
Vert Shock Review

Does Vert Shock Work to Increase Vertical Jump?

When it comes to jump training programs, there are a ton of them out there. What’s important though, is that you choose the right one. If you’ve always wanted to dunk the ball and shatter the rim one day (even if you’re not six foot four inches tall), you can achieve this by successfully completing a good jump course. One of them that is on the market is the Vert Shock program, and that’s how a lot of normal Joe’s actually learn how to dunk. Mind you, you better be prepared for a ride, because if you don’t have a high vertical, then you’re going to need to work at it and work hard! Either way, let’s look at this jump program and see whether it works and how.

The Hoop Height Matters

A lot of people learn how to dunk when they’re younger by using a shorter than regulation hoop to start learning how to play basketball for fun. Unfortunately, this means that once you go to a regulation sized hoop – popular at even most local parks and recreation centers – you’ll end up falling short of the 10-foot basketball hoop hovering over you. With Vert Shock, you want to use a regulation height hoop so you can get things done right. Along with that, you want to choose the right jump program. While some programs such as the Jump Manual program can help you increase your vertical, they don’t teach you to be Michael Jordan. That’s why the Vert Shock program is definitely a program that can help you in this!

What is Vert Shock?

Vert Shock is a jump training program that can help you increase your vertical by over a foot in a short time span of only 8 weeks. That’s a lot less time than most jump training programs make you take their courses. You may see that it sounds too good to be true in some cases, but this program offers a 60-day money back guarantee (so… you can learn to dunk in 8 weeks, or your money back if you don’t improve before the 8 weeks is up? Why not then!)

Vert Shock is a program made by a former college player and the late Kobe Bryant, one of the most popular NBA professional basketball players. They also collaborated with Justin “Just Fly” Darlington, who is very well known for his dunking ability. The program was designed to help train you to shock your body and then work on polymetric exercises. The three phases are in a very short amount of time compared to other programs like Jump Manual though.

Phase One

The first phase of the program is called the Pre-Shock phase accordingly. In this first week, you are going to pre-train your body and push your limits. You work out 6 days out of the week, only resting on Day four of the first week.

The first week is the hardest week, so this is something 

Phase Two

The second through seventh week make up the phase known as the Shock Phase. This will consist anywhere from four to six workout days per week. This strength training for your legs and core are to help improve your burst more than any other program out there with high intensity plyometric (jump training) workouts. You’ll also do a lot of strength training exercises as well.

Phase Three

The Post-Shock Phase as it’s called, is the last week of the training program. You have to do one last week of extremely intense training sessions, but you only get a day of rest. You may feel a little stiff after training for seven weeks, so you have to make sure to do plenty of warmups and stretching along the way. On a positive note, the soreness you felt for the first six weeks will start to dwindle as your body gets used to things. This is also pretty common in other intense training situations such as the military as well. Same rule applies. No pain, no gain. Once you hit six to seven weeks though, it’s more gain than pain!

How Are the Exercises?

Most training programs out there require weight training, and a lot of people suffer because they can’t just go buy a gym membership (and won’t) just to train their jumps unless they’re working on trying to train to be a pro. These workouts though, only require body weight and maybe a basketball in some cases. You can download the PDF and you can save it on any mobile device or computer. 

The 8-week jump training consists of 41 different workouts that you’ll do on a regular basis over the first 56 days. You’ll learn core strength training workouts by using planks, static core exercises, high impact power exercises (such as squat jumps), short ground-contact jump training workouts, and much more. At the same time, the workouts help to train you in different areas of training, and every one of them has a different purpose – all blending together to give you higher verticals, and allowing different rest periods. This muscle confusion so-to-speak is one of the most successful methods to any workout training to improve your physical attributes as well as other areas (like jumping) in many workout programs.

Stretching and Staying Safe

Many people believe that just because their knees would cause problems, that the training is going to hut them. However, many users actually don’t complain, but brag about how the training can be done and some even felt an improvement to their knees and joints. One thing is that the stretching properly is extremely important. Most athletes that get hurt, and even some bodybuilders, don’t stretch properly when they’re lifting weights, resulting in more muscle tears, more ligament tears, broken joints, and loss of flexibility. You don’t want to lose that flexibility that you’re going to need in order to create better bursts for verticals, so always stretch and do warmups and cooldowns! Now let’s take a look at the pros and cons, and give you some quality insight on what this program has done for many users!

Good and Bad Things About the Course

There really isn’t that much in terms of negatives to the course. You’re going to get what you put into it, so you need to always try to put in your best! In the terms of results – most people who do the course can finally do a real dunk without a problem. Another benefit is that you can do literally all of these exercises just about anywhere without a gym. Since most other jump training programs out there often require them, you don’t have to worry about that with Vert Shock. The program’s also really easy to follow, and the videos explain everything in great detail for you so you can follow them pretty well too. There are of course other things, and even though you have workout explanations, the course doesn’t always theoretically explain the workouts to you. Either way, the results can be amazing, so we’re going to put those here so you can see them easier.

The Final Results

Many users have been able to increase their vertical a lot more than what it was. Of course, if you already have a 40-inch vertical, you’re probably not going to see that much of an improvement. Also, you have to keep things in mind of height and weight in regards to increasing your vertical, as well as physical fitness overall. Either way, the program will give you pretty solid results, and many users have increased their vertical jump anywhere from 8 inches up to 12 inches with it.

The Cost of the Program

The total program is a bit more than others out there on the market, and for good reason. You actually get what you’re paying for when it comes to finding a high-quality jump training program. Either way, even though it’s about $135 bucks, there are some affiliates and discounts you can get so you can get it much cheaper. When it comes to someone who really wants to dunk and improve their game, the price is very well worth it (if you’re wanting to be a basketball player, even your shoes are expensive… so why not pay a decent price for a program that actually works?)

The Presentation Quality

The presentation quality of the instruction is actually pretty good compared to others. While some of the videos may be older, they’re more up to date than the cheap-o competitors out there that haven’t updated their videos in 10 years. Every exercise is explained a bit in their instruction videos, and you can download PDF workout pages that are easy to follow, and not just a bunch of redundant and detailed text. They at least make it engaging for their customers, which is very important!

The Toughness of the Program

This workout program is one of the more productive of the many jump programs out there, so naturally, it’s going to be very labor intense. You’re also not using actual weight training (you can incorporate that on your own if you have the means to do so), and you have a pretty high-intensity workout of no less than five days of workout sessions, with each one lasting approximately an hour. If you have trouble with any of the exercises, you can easily find workarounds to make them easier on you if need be. But either way, you should be prepared to bust your butt. No pain, no gain, and without gain, you have no success!

The Conclusive Rating

Overall, in terms of the fact that everything has been weighed very carefully above, Vert Shock appears to get an almost 5-star rating in terms of how good it is compared to others. The funny thing is though, that many of the other jump training programs out there are only about a 4 out of 5 (and some of them even have an average rating lower than a 3). And then you have the numerous scams out there, which the Vert Shock system is not. A lot of users have been able to conclude that the program does work, and some people can get a bit burnt out by the program simply if they aren’t getting the results they wanted. The main thing is who needs the program and who can benefit the most (and the least).

What to Do if You Get Burnt Out

One thing you need to consider is that in order to truly succeed in the program (and any other jump training program out there), you need to a steady plan, and you need to train yourself to both prepare for the training, and during. You don’t want to overdo things yourself, and that’s something that this system does offer. You can literally go at your own pace, but if you want the best results, you should push yourself at the pace of the program. 

If you ever get bored of doing the same exercises, you can definitely add weights to the mix. The only thing you’re going to get from it is more gains, more strength, more agility, and stamina. If you don’t have a way to get to a gym, you can literally use anything as a tool in your arsenal to battle your way through the exercises (try using a milk carton full of sand for some of the arm exercises). And if you want even more speed and burst, you can always try water resistance training (working out in water) with some of these workouts – something that’s not new, but is really gaining popularity.

Conclusion – Vert Shock

The main thing to factor in is the fact Vert Shock actually works. The pros of this program highly outweigh the cons with this one more than any other jump program. While other jump programs are still good (certain ones at least), as far as success goes, adding the Vert Shock training to the mix can definitely improve your vertical almost as much as they claim, help to build your body, core, and mind for higher jumps, and teach you how to dunk (it’s actually an art more than just the fact of jumping high).

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